Monday, May 25, 2015




Friday, March 13, 2015

Test Run

Friday, February 27, 2015

Arnaud et moi

Friday, January 9, 2015

Je Suis Charlie

Hi Mom, Hi Dad,

I know by now you've heard about the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, and you're probably worried about me. Don't be worried, I'm safe at home. Nobody I know was hurt in the attack, and it was fairly far away from me.

I stand with the citizens of France and the staff at Charlie Hebdo. The people who died, died for our freedom of speech. They died because they voiced what they thought was right, fully knowing the risks. Opposing them would be an insult to their memories, as they obviously thought that bringing social commentary and change to the world was important enough to die for.

I also stand with Ahmed Merabet, the 42-year-old Muslim cop who was murdered during the attacks after attempting to stop the attackers. He was truly doing his religion proud.

Je Suis Ahmed
Je Suis Charlie