Wednesday, September 28, 2011

C'est Océane

Je m'appelle Océane. Je suis française. Je suis blonde. Je suis intelligente. Je suis amusante. Je ne suis pas patiente. Je ne suis pas sportive. Je suis forte. Je ne suis pas idiote. Je suis aimable. Je ne suis pas musclée. Je suis de Paris. Je suis écrivane. Je ne suis pas danseuse.

Why I am taking French.

I've decided to take French because I absolutely despised taking the last language I learned, Spanish. I'm fairly competent in Spanish, considering I took it for seven years at school and my mom's had two Latin-American long term boyfriends. I also quite love European culture and the last time I went to France it was perfect. I fell in love with the way things were there, and I thought it was amazing how different they were. Now, about 6 years later, I want nothing more than to go back to Europe and immerse myself in the culture.